It was time to know the sex of the baby, the past few months have been a rollercoaster but after the realization sets in, the new fight was with hormones and the changes that come with being pregnant, before we did the ultrasound I always imagine the baby as a girl, that's all I could picture and that brought me some joy because I wanted a girl, her Dad named her Jayla and her middle name was Mia so I tell everyone around me and at work how MIA is, whenever they would ask. After 5 months, 19 week 3days to be specific it was time for the big reveal, it was a typical Saturday morning, we already planned from weeks before that on this day I would do the ultrasound so as planned we drove to Oasis medical center and they were full and BJ didn't want to wait so we went to Biological Medical center in Spanish Town .Luck was on our side because only one person was ahead of us.After checking in I was advised to drink 3 cups of water to ensure my bladder was full but I should not relieve myself, we waited for 20 minutes,, then it was now time for a life-changing moment, I was nervous anxious, excited and a little scared 4 emotions packed into one little body.
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I laid on the bed and pull my pants done just enough for the administrator to have full access to all my tummy, he squirts the liquid ( I don't remember the name it's called) on my tummy and started to move the ultrasound wand around, at first he did this silently while we all just looked at the screen, I didn't recognize any body part by just looking but I felt a sense of deep regret just looking at the shape of the baby because I knew disappointment was ahead. The administrator was doing his thing taking screenshots of each part of the baby and measuring the parts he should and then he starting telling us which body part was which , then said " and this is the Penis, your having a boy" my heart fell, my eyes became watery and I just wanted it to be over and done with, when he was finally done I was allowed to use the bathroom and before I could close the door I just started crying, I didn't want anyone to know that I was crying so I washed my face and head back to the waiting area.
We got in the car and was heading home, BJ knew I wanted a girl so bad, he then started to talk about how healthy and big the baby was, I remain silent because I didn't want to crush his joy with my pain. He then looked at me and said why are u crying, without even know I was, tears were just pouring down my face and then I couldn't hold the sopping I cried all the way home and even when I got home I couldn't stop crying.

Now he's 6 months and I love him more than I love anyone or anything in this world, I can't imagine him being a girl he's just perfect the way he is.
Thanks for reading my experience feel free to share yours in the comment section and remember to subscribe.
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